Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Cucumber

Salads Herbal salt Apple Small red onion ...

Cut the beetroot in the tern, chop onion cucumber and apple fine. It all mixes with the dressing

Mains (8-10% fat content) Peas from 20 whole pods (or 100 g green peas) Groftkværnet pepper ...

Grill crepes Divide the chopped veal into 4 equal parts, knead the meat with your hands and form 4 crepes. Put them on a plate and cover them with household movies. Place the plate cool, until the grill and the remaining accessories are ready. Brush the hot g

Appetizers Onion Miracel whip Tuna (oil or water) ...

Eggs, cucumbers and onions are chopped in the tern. It is all stirred together and finally decorated with tomato boats. Set cool 1/2 hour.

Salads Paprika Pepper Salt ...

The cabbage is cut into fine strips. Pepper and cucumber cut into cubes. The tuna is peeled into smaller pieces. The eggs are cut in quarters. Cabbage, vegetables and tuna mixed in a bowl, decorated with eggs and cers. The marinade is shaken and poured over

Salads Cucumber Lettuce leaves Green beans, cleaned and halved ...

Put the potatoes in a pan and pour water so they are just covered. Bring in a boil with even heat. Place the beans in a steam insert or basket and place the top of the potatoes. Put on the lid and steam the beans for 5 minutes. Take the beans from the heat and

Salads Pepper Salt Cucumber ...

Boil the eggs and let them cool off. The tomatoes are rinsed and stalked cut. Cut them in both. Rinse the cucumber and cut them in both. Rinse the cucumber and cut them into slices. Arrow the eggs and share them in both. Freeze the pepper for seeds and seed

Mains Minced parsley Onion Oil soya/maize ...

Chop the groove roughly. Peel the carrot and cut it into cubes. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes. Heat the oil and season the remaining vegetables. Turn it down and simmer it under the lid approx. 10 minutes. Cut the cucumber into quarter slices and s

Mains Lemon peel Pepper Parsley-like flat-leaf ...

Boil the rice. Scallops are chopped finely and shaken in oil on a large pan or in a wok. Add thin slices of leek, tern of pepper and curry and shake it for a couple of minutes. Add boiled rice, a sauce of saffron or turmeric and broth. Bowl of peeled cucumb