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Recipes with Egg yolks

Mains Lemon juice A little dill Pepper ...

Place the salmon with the skins side down in the greased pan, add butter / margarine lemon slices and dill on. Add white wine and cover the frying pan with aloe oil. Place it in the oven at 220 gr for 20 min. Add to the sauce egg yolks and water thick over

Desserts (patisserie) Whipped cream Raspberry jam Grated chocolate ...

Stir sugar and egg yolks thoroughly, add rye bread, flour, cocoa and baking soda. The whipped egg whites are turned in with the chopped nuts. Bake in 3 well-molded molds. Baked 15 min. At 190 degrees. Put together with raspberry jam. Decorate with whi

Mains Lemon balm Dill Boil brine ...

Divide the fillets along. Put a small sprig of each kind of spice on the meat side of each and roll from tail to head. Available with toothpicks or meatballs. Put the sour rolls in a saucepan, mix the ball and pour it over. Boil slightly under lid for approx.

Mains Freshly ground black pepper Salt Green pepper, cleaned and cut into squares ...

Heat the oil in a deep pan. Add the pears and sauté them gently for approx. 5 minutes. Add the olives and let it spin for a good 2 minutes. Whip the egg whites and add salt and pepper to your liking. Pour them on a pan and allow the mass to stand on medium hea

Cookies Sugar Whipped cream Butter ...

Spread flour, butter and egg yolks together and allow the dough to rest in the fridge for one hour. Roll out the dough. Sprinkle small round cakes with a snap glass. Dip them in cream and turn them into sugar. Put them on a baking sheet with baking paper. B

Cakes in form Grofthøvlet chocolate in several colors (dark, light, white) Icing sugar Dark chocolate ...

Melt the chocolate to low heat and let them cool a little. Whip butter and sugar white, add egg yolks, stir the chocolate together with almonds, raisins and flour. Finally, turn the egg whites into. The dough is poured into a greased 1-2 liter form and baked 1

Desserts (cold) Great canned peach Vanilla sugar Macaroons ...

Cut the peaches into thin slices. Crush the macros, but not too fine. vanilla cream: Whip the cream to whipped cream. Whip egg yolks, sugar and vanilla sugar white and then mix with the whipped cream. Put in a bowl, in the following order: Macaroons -

Mains Paprika Pepper Rosemary ...

Stir the pepper and onion in the butter. Stir in the meat with egg, salt, pepper and peppers. Shape to roll and twist bacon about. Step approx. 5 min on each side. Keep warm. Boil chalotte, broth and wine until the half is left. Boil with whipped cream, season