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Recipes with Fennel seeds

Mains Fennel seeds Minced garlic Olive oil ...

Cut the neck in the top and wrap them in oil. Add thyme and rosemary, grated black pepper and whole chilli (which is visible and can be fished again). Cool the olives together with salami in small tern and a little fennel seeds. Then pour white wine and mar

Mains A little flour Olive oil Pepper ...

The neck comb is cut into large blocks of 6x6 cm. The two kinds of seeds are poured short on a dry forehead until they begin to smell. They are then rubbed into the meat together with salt and pepper. Leave it to stand for a minimum of two hours, but preferab

Base recipes Cinnamon bark or 1 piece of kasia bark Carnations Whole cardamom ...

Choose the best whole spices on the market, take them home, clean and wash them and dry them in the sun (or carefully in the oven). Then freeze the chiliies for stalks and chilli, corander seeds, fennel seeds and cumin seeds separately in the wok to shake i

Mains Chopped parsley/Rosemary White pepper Salt ...

The front and hind legs are cut by the rabbit, the back is divided into four, and the meat is placed in a large bowl. Add vinegar and water until it covers and allow the meat to pull for an hour before rinse it and dry it dry in a clean dish. Step bacon rin

Mains Fresh coriander leaves Turmeric Ground chili ...

Bring the oil on a hot pan. When the oil is hot, bowl and fennel arrive and stir for one minute. Add the onions and let the roast for about 5 minutes with stirring. Turn down the heat and add garlic and ginger. Leave the roast for 2 minutes while stirrin

Mains A few sprigs of Rosemary Pepper Salt ...

The dough is raised for one hour and rolled out for approx. 1 cm. thickness. Sprinkle the spices into mortar. Cut the potatoes very well if necessary. With mandolin iron. Puff the pizza on a baking bag at 225 degrees in a hot air oven for approx. 1 minu

Mains Canola oil for frying Rice or naanbrød Fennel seeds ...

Sweeten fennel seeds, cumin, almonds and cardamom on a warm forehead. Crush them in a mortar and mix with turmeric, cracked coriander and lemongrass. Heat oil in a saucepan and season the spices for one minute. Add meat and let it take color. Add the chopped

Bread, buns & biscuits A little suit Fennel seeds A-38 or yoghurt ...

The first Ingredients are stirred together and stand for the next day, then add ingredients to day 2. Comes in rye bread and adheres 20-30 min. Bake at 200 ° C ½ hour.