Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Garlic

Mains Coarse sea salt Olive oil Pepper ...

Bring salt and pepper to the resized birds. Put a pot of olive oil and raise the birds without coloring. Come down to the pot. Almonds, garlic, sea salt and a little parsley are mixed into a paste (you can also use a mortar). The pasta comes in the pan with th

Mains Eggs Balsamic syrup Wheat flour ...

Cut the outer yarn into thin slices and knock it lightly with a meat hammer. Possibly. Stir chopped and chopped with a knife that tatar and turn with the chopped mustard, garlic and parsley. The eggflower is turned in and the talleggio cheese is torn on the gr

Mains Pepper Salt Cream ...

Cheese dough: Chop flour, salt and butter and mix the dough with water. Put it cold for 20 minutes. Fathers: Put the meat in hot oil in a wok or the like. Add chopped onions, chopped garlic, tern of pepper and basil. Let it sweat some min. Before tomato pas

Pickling Cumin seeds Lemon Onion ...

Cut the tomatoes in quarters, cut the flour into smaller pieces, chop onion and garlic. Wash the lemon and cut the yellow spoon thinly, squeeze the juice. Boil all ingredients with low heat approx. 1½ hours for the relish gets a mushy consistency. Season with

Mains 1-2 tbsp. wheat flour 2 tbsp. Cognac Suit ...

1 large poulard parteres and brunes in butter and oil. Season with salt, pepper and squeezed garlic. The meat can be flambered with cognac. Then add the whole shallots, carrot cut into thin slices, celery cut into cubes, as well as parsley, thyme and bay le

Mains Pepper Salt White wine. dry ...

Sprinkle the darkness off and tear it almost through the long joints, knock it down. Easy. Season with salt and pepper. Put finely chopped onion in the butter in a saucepan. Add the finely chopped mushrooms, the finely chopped garlic sauce. Chopped parsley

Mains Herbs Salt Lemon ...

Stir the butter with crushed garlic and finely chopped dill. Grease it on the fillets and favor the fish on 4-8 large pieces of stanniol (on the white side), depending on how many fish there are. The tomatoes are cut in half, seasoned with salt and added to th

Sandwiches A little lemon juice Breadcrumbs Lemon juice ...

dressing: The red dressing is stirred together, first peel the peppers into the asparagus water, then stir the remaining ingredients. Peel the chopped or squeezed and add. Season with salt and pepper. sauce: The butter is melted to clarified butter. Vineg