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Recipes with Hams

Mains Hams Pepper Salt ...

Boil a hamburgerryg for low heat for half an hour. Use water or half wine and water added sugar and a pair of laurel leaves. Let the hamburgerry cool off in the soup. Cut a bunch of leeks and 250 g carrots in slices or rods and steam them tenderly. Let them

Mains Freshly ground pepper Water so that it covers Canola oil ...

Put the hamburger back in a saucepan. Pour water over so it just covers. Add laurel, peppercorns and juniper berries. Bring the pan to the boil. Muffle the heat, put on the lid. Cook the hamburger rye for approx. 30 min. Remove the plastic skin after boiling.

Mains Orange Hams Melted butter ...

Cut a piece of hamburger sugar into "cutlet-thick" slices ... the meat should not be cut through, but still remain completely. Between each slice of meat, put a slice of orange with peel. The meat is placed in an ovenproof dish. The thyme is sprinkled and pour

Mains Cayenne pepper Small carrots Cauliflower ...

The vegetables are cooked tenderly. Kvark and grated cheese are brought together to sauce, spiced with cayenne pepper. Spice the vegetables, pour the cheese sauce over, server with hamburgerryg

Mains Marinade Chives Hams ...

Cut 3 tablespoons of onion and fry basil. Stir the marinade together. Cut the hamburger rye into sliced ​​slices, slice the slices into a dish with marijuana between them. Push the meat together, cover the dish and place it in the refrigerator for approx. 1

Mains (semi) dry white wine Water Apple ...

Let the sauerkraut dripping into a sieve. Arrow slipped and cut it in the ring. Peel the apple, remove the core and cut it in both. Heat the duck in a large saucepan and chop loose and apple it. Bring peppercorns and juniper berries in the pan together with

Mains EVS. 1 tbsp. butter/margerine A little tomato ketchup A little wine vinegar ...

The skin is pulled by the hamburger back. If the meat is as good as greasy, lubricate a thin layer of butter / margarine on top. The hamburger rye is laid on an abundantly large piece of foil. Season the spices in a mortar and sprinkle over the meat, which is

Mains Leaves of Basil Pale celery Fennel ...

Hamburgerryggen boils in water without salt for approx. 15 minutes and then taken up. The herbs are cut a little rough. You have to take the amount a little by chance, but there must be plenty - it does not matter when the court is ready. Mix the herbs in a di