Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Honey

Cakes Reven should of 1 lemon (organic) Baking soda Bicarbonate of soda ...

Honey and brown dough melt while stirring in a saucepan and cool a little. Egg, thick milk, cinnamon, ginger and lemon peel are stirred in, then mixed flour, baking soda and baking soda in the dough. The dough poured into a greased form (2 liters) and baked fo

Mains Freshly ground white pepper Chopped korianderrod Honey ...

Clean and dry the chicken wings. Chop coriander and garlic nicely. Preparation: Mix all the ingredients together and put the chicken wings in it. Let them pull for at least 2 hours. (Turn them a few times in the marinade) Grill the wings over charcoal approx.

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon, the juice of which ...

Sauce: Cut chopped mustots and chopped garlic sautées in the oil until they are tender. They must not take color. Add fish stock and cream and boil it through. Blend it all and taste with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Garnish: Cut the ends of the beans and

Mains Pepper Juice of 1-2 limes Salt ...

Beetroot and apples are torn. The marinade is stirred together and mixed with grated beetroot and apples. The salad is placed in the fridge until serving. Savoykålsbladene blanches for approx. 2 minutes. Drip well and cool. Pepper fillets are blend

Salads Lemon peel Turmeric Honey ...

Stir the dressing together and taste it. Turn vegetables and fruit thoroughly into the dressing. The raw fee may take a little while before serving.

Pickling Juice and finely grated shell of 2 lemons Courgette Honey ...

The layers are boiled up. The courgettes are flushed and cut into cubes. The layer is poured over. The courgettes can be served once they have cooled in the law.

Mains Balsamic vinegar Honey Chicken broth ...

Stir the fillet on a pan for 3-4 minutes on both sides. Turn it into finely chopped parsley and dried chopped garlic. Boil pearley in chicken stock for 12-15 minutes and add lots of fresh chopped herbs. Cook a sauce of ½ balsamic and ½ honey until it is like s

Mains Asparagus potatoes Garlic Markchampingnons or alm. champingnons ...

It seems a bit fierce and complicated, but it's not really. Begin scratching the wild wolf coat's fat layer for approx. 1 cm big tern (scratched to the meat). Place the back in a dish and pour the marinade over. Leave your back and pull the marinade for at lea