Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Mayonaise

Appetizers Pepper Salt Dried tarragon ...

Mix everything except almonds and roll 24 spheres. Decorate with chopped roasted almonds and server with salad.

Salads Per p carrot Mayonaise Per p apples ...

The apples are peeled and cut into thin slices. The carrots are scrapped and torn off. Walnuts are chopped roughly. It all mixes and overtakes with a mayonnaise.

Mains Dill Pepper Red bell pepper ...

Rolling herring: Load the rinned silt fillets with the meat side upwards - sprinkle with salt and add 1 dill to each fillet. The fillets are rolled together from head to tail, tightly put together in a refractory dish or pan with the joint down. The ingredient

Lunch Pepper Salt Vinegar ...

Spegesildene marines for approx. 20 hours. After which the herring must be well-dripped before cutting into suitable pieces. The pieces are placed in a serving dish or bowl. Mayonnaise and quark are stirred together, add onions, horseradish and cooked and chil

Mains Pepper Salt Cremfraice ...

Mix mayonaice, cremfraice. Mix the crab meat, the chopped cucumbers, tomatoes and chopped eggs in it, as well as half the cheese, salt, pepper and the 2 tablespoons. rasp. Spread the crab in 4 crabs (or in refractory bowls). Sprinkle with the rest of the ch

Mains Watercress Lemons Crème fraiche 38% ...

The cod is cleaned well and scratched for dandruff and mucus. Wipe well with kitchen roll. Place the fish in a refractory dish or in a small frying pan and sprinkle with 1 sprouted sprig. Salt and freshly ground white pepper, both inside and out. 60 - 80 grams

Appetizers Tabasco Tomato ketchup Cremefraice ...

Let the tuna drip into a sieve. Whip the cream stiff and turn Mayonnaise and Cream fraice in, taste with tomato chips and tabasco. Melt the house blossom and put it gently in the mass while stirring, divide the tuna apart and finally bring it in. Fill in a bor

Salads Pepper 1/2 juice of lemon Salt ...

The rabbit is boiled in salted water, add a little basil. Cut the vegetables into small pieces and mix them in a salad bowl with the uncluttered rabbit. Mix the dressing and pour it over the salad.