Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Oatmeal

Desserts (cold) Liquid sweetener Plant margarine Greek yogurt ...

Pour the raspberries into a blender with yogurt. Run until it's creamy and softice-like. Get sweets in taste. Chop the almonds nicely and blend them with oatmeal and coconut flour. Heat the plant margarine on a small pan, pour the mixture golden and drizzle

Breakfast & brunch Salt Wheat flour Sunflower kernels ...

Stir the yeast into the water in an intermediate bowl. Get salt and oatmeal in. Then rest of the ingredients and come over the bowl and style the dough in the fridge for the next morning or at least 6 hours later, Where they are taken with a spoon and distr

Desserts (cold) Eggs Baking soda Frozen raspberries ...

Turn on the oven at 175 degrees. Pour the melted butter over the oatmeal. Mix flour and baking soda and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Pour the dough into a greased alu tray (about 18x20 cm.) Behind the bottom approx. 20 minutes. In the middle of

Mains Spices to taste, URf.eks. Chili, garlic, paprika, oregano, thyme, Rosemary, or whatever you like Red or yellow pepper Eggs ...

Sprinkle small cabbage heads together. Take a sharp knife and cut through the stem and flip the bowl out of the cabbage head with a spoon, leaving about 3 leaves left in a shell of each half-cabbage head. Cut one half of the pickled cabbage into fine piece

Candy Desiccated coconut Water Cocoa ...

Mix everything in a bowl except the coconut flour to be used afterwards Put it in the fridge for about 20-30 minutes. Then beat them to small balls and roll them so coconut

Cookies Oatmeal Sugar Eggs ...

Turn on the oven on 200 degree hot air Mix the two eggs and the 180 g sugar together. When it's completely mixed up, gently cleanse (while mixing) oatmeal in. They must have 15-20 min. in the oven. tips: Decide if you want to make them 'cookie' shap

Various Coarse salt Eggs Cocoa powder ...

Mix the wet ingredients together in a bowl. Take a new bowl and mix the dry ingredients together. Then mix it all together. Distribute the dough for approx. 12 muffin molds and bag them on 175 degrees hot air for approx. 15-20 min. Tip: Use them if

Cakes Oatmeal Vanilla Chocolate chunks (optional) ...

Stir all the ingredients together in a medium-sized bowl until thoroughly mixed. Let it cool in the refrigerator for half an hour. Once cooled, they are rolled into balls, whatever size you want. Store in airtight container and keep refrigerated for up to 1 we