Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pasta

Mains Pepper Salt Pasta ...

Cook pastes in 7-10 my and turn on the oven at 175 degrees. Let the cooling of pastes. Brown onions and carrots in a little magarine. Add the beef, stir to it will be completely browned. prop tomato puree skinned tomatoes and cream in. Add spices. kødsovs

Mains Pasta Gravy Oregano ...

com honey lime juice oil and spices in a plastic pot, warm it in the microwave. the mixture is poured over the chicken, and fried in oven for about 3 quarter of 200/c. (gravy) pour the væden from the chicken after about 1/2 time up in a saucepan, add the 1

Various Peas and maize were Oil Pasta ...

Cook the pasta and getting the oil by as not paste paste together when it gets cold and it came in a bowl Fry the bacon and ham in the Pan and mix it together with the pasta (the fat from the Pan provides a good taste of the pasta with it is up to each indi

Mains Barbeque Paprika Pasta ...

Onion cut into cubes and Brown in a pan, together with carved cocktails sausages. then pour the cooked pasta into the Pan screws. sweet soy sauce added along with salt, pepper, paprika and barbeque. then add ketchup and milk. It seems small simmer for about 10

Appetizers Pepper Pine seeds pumpkin seeds Salt ...

Cook the pasta and rinse with cold water. Whisk lemon juice olive oil salt and pepper together. Pour the marinade over the pasta and mix with the fintsnittet fennel and lettuce sprinkle. Cut the cucumber into long strips with a potato peeler and add to the

Mains Pepper Salt Paprika ...

Start by cooking the pasta. The onion and sauté in a pan, dealt with herein granted the sausages. Then be smoked pure, ketchup and milk is stirred well around in.. Then met the spices in. Finally comes the potatoes and pasta in 15-20 min. simmer on a low

Mains Cheese (preferably cream havarti cheese) Cream delicate madlavings cream Chopped tomatoes ...

Turn on 200 degrees Cook the pasta until it is fit. They came diced tomatoes in a pan and add the Cream, season with salt and pepper and let detsmå boil add ham strips. take a heat-proof serving dish and pour the screws up in, then pour the chopped tomatoes

Mains Bacon, diced Chicken into strips Paprika ...

Put the water on to boil and the pasta. Brown chicken in oil in a pan, add the bacon and onion. tilderefter tomato purré and stir well. Add the mushrooms, then slowly add the cream and cocktail sausages then paprika and let boil up; season with Salt and pep