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Recipes with Potatoes

Salads Pepper Salt Chives ...

Peel and boil the potatoes. Clean the spring onion and peel in slices. Cut the hot potatoes into slices or terns. Mix potatoes, leeks and spring onions. Add finely chopped garlic and finely chopped garlic. Stir the dressing together and pour it over the slight

Mains Salt Water Red pepper ...

Peel potatoes and carrots and boil them approx. 20 min. Pour the water and mash them with an electric whip. Add the eggs. Stir in the cracked cheese and taste with a little pepper and salt. Cut the mushroom and red pepper and shake it golden in a little butter

Mains Lemon Fund Honey ...

If the fillet is not cut from the back piece, do it first. Hug the leg into suitable pieces and brown it in the pan. Get water together with the sliced, cleaned herbs. Let it boil and remove if necessary. foam. Boiled into a powerful fund. Cut the chopped w

Mains Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Dill, fresh Pepper ...

rissoles: Hook the fish on the meat hopper with a hole size of about 8 mm or with a large knife. Mix salt, freshly ground black pepper, finely chopped capers, finely chopped onions, chopped dill and a little lemon juice. Let it pull in the fridge approx. 1/2

Soups Pork broth Deep dish full chopped Kale Porrervisk ...

The legs are salted well in the evening before and rinsed thoroughly for approx. 3 hold water. Cover with water and boil for 1½-2h. When boiling the water, the water and the broth are added. The building must boil for the last 45 minutes. The legs are raise

Mains Basil The saddle Freshly ground pepper ...

First remove the 2 sirloin sits on the underside of the animal back. You can cook them in rosemary and server with a wild skysauce and new potatoes. Cheers animal chickens out of the animal backyard. (It is best at the butcher, or you can save with meat off wi

Sides Mixed herbs Eggs Potatoes ...

The potatoes are peeled, rinsed and torn on a raw iron. The potatoes are turned into the 2 egged eggs, which are added chopped herbs. The potatoes roast like 8-10 small pancakes, on a hot pan with oil.

Sides A little chopped herb URf.eks. thyme, chervil or Kale Onion Grated cheese ...

Pour and grate onions and potatoes on the rough side of the roast iron. Sprinkle some salt over and cook on the forehead in butter approx. 15 min. Mix approx. 3 dl of the cracked cheese in and flatten the mass to a pancake that roasts another 10 min. Turn the