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Recipes with Red lentils

Mains Oil Pepper Minced parsley ...

The lenses are flushed well, boiled for 20 minutes and drained. Onions, garlic and peppers are chopped well. Carrot tears fine. The almonds chopped fine but died with a little "bite". All ingredients are stirred together. The father rests ½ hour. The fri

Mains Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Carrot Lentil Mash: All ingredients are placed in a pot of water so it just covers. Boil the lentils are tender and keep in mind that it does not boil dry! Blend the mash along with the oil and taste it. Turkey in green: Cut the turkey breast into small pie

Mains Salt Cinnamon Cumin seeds ...

Rice and red lentils are boiled according to the instructions. A pan is warmed well and add 1 tablespoon of oil The meat is brown Carrots, onion and celery are cut into fine small max 1x1 cm pieces And come on the hot pan when the meat is almost browned.

Mains Oil Large onion Red lentils ...

Rinse the lenses. Chop the sauce and chop with the spices in oil. Add freshly squeezed garlic and then water and lentils. Boil until the lentils are cooked. It takes about 15 min.

Soups Wholemeal bread Julienne of ginger Picked coriander ...

Shake the cumin and coriander seeds on a dry, hot pan until they start to smell. Shake them in a mortar with garlic and chili. Shake the spices in olive oil in a large hot pot with ginger, carrots and onions. It should not take color, but the bulbs must be rea

Lamb Minced parsley Pepper Salt ...

Brown lamb and bacon in a large pot. Season with garlic, peppers and bowls. Bring tomato and broth and let it boil for 15 minutes. Cut the potatoes in the tern, place them in the pan and boil for another 10 minutes. Rinse the lentils thoroughly in cold wate

Mains Pepper Water Squash ...

First wrap the loops in a little oil. Take it out of the pan and then sweat the meat. Cut the rest of the vegetables into the tern and mix it all in the pan. Pour water until it covers + 1 cm. Add salt and bay leaves. Let it simmer for about 45 minutes or un

Soups Game/Chanterelle Fund Chopped tomatoes Sundried tomatoes (the oil poured from ...

The lenses are rinsed and boiled in leachate water. The water is said from. The carrots are peeled and cut into slices. Shake and chop the parsley. The onions are peeled and chopped. Celery is cut in tern. Dissolve the broths in the water and put the pre-coo