Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Soy sauce

Mains Marinade Salt Cayenne pepper ...

The whole is whipped together and the meat to be marinated is brought in, overnight if in a refrigerator, 2-3 hours if it is on the kitchen table. Thinly sliced, shredded beef / chicken / pork / shrimp or whatever you want. Shake the meat on the forehead to

Mains Marinade Herbs Dill ...

Remove the barriers on the fillets, or ask the fishmonger to do so. Cut the fillets into pieces of approx. 5 cm, and put the fish pieces in a bowl. Overlay the fish with soy sauce and white wine and let the fish pull in the marinade for approx. 15 minutes.

Mains Cooked rice of 240 g parboiled rice Oil for deep frying Mango fruit ...

The fish fillets are cut into 3cm thick spells. The marinade is whipped together. The fish and marinade are placed in a plastic bag and drained in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. The fish is deepened until it is golden, approx. 3 minutes and drain onto kit

Appetizers Oil for frying Sugar Cold water ...

Chop the soaked mushrooms and set them aside. Mix corn oil with the water. Stir soy sauce and sake / sherry in. Set aside. Heat a wok over high heat to the smoker, add 2 tablespoons of oil and stir the meat while stirring until it has changed color, appr

Mains Ginger Pepper Canola oil ...

Pour rapeseed oil into a small refractory dish and turn the meat into the oil. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and ginger and put the dish in the oven at 225 degrees. Cut the squash into ½ cm thick slices and then in "squares". Cut onion and tomato in both. When

Mains Lemon-oil dressing Dip Iceberg lettuce ...

Soak the rinsed apricots for half an hour and let them drip off. Cut a deep pocket into the pork chop and fill the apricots. Snare the comb together with cotton yarn. Rub the ladder with salt and pepper. Butter the honey on the grease, brush with soy and sprin

Soups Lemon juice Pepper Parsley ...

Soup: The sponges are brushed clean and the large mushrooms are cut through, the mushrooms are easily shaken on the forehead. Add white wine, soya and balsamic vinegar and add a little, add water, cream, garlic, lemon juice and parsley to boil and adjust the c

Mains Chinese 5-spice Red color to foods Brown sugar ...

Remove all grease from the pork tenderloin and put the meat in a deep dish. Marinade: Whip all the ingredients together into marinade and pour it over the meat. Put rubber gloves on and rub the marinade thoroughly into the meat everywhere. Cover and simmer