Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Tomato puree

Mains Pepper Salt Butter/oil for frying ...

The bunny is boned and divided into appropriate pieces. Season with salt and pepper. Brunes lightly and small-sized underneath the lid in plenty of fat, make sure the meat is not burning. The well-sprinkled spinach is spread in a well-baked oven dish. Sprinkle

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Rabbit parties. Bring in butter, add liquid, onions, parsley, mushrooms and spices. Darkness for low heat for approx. 1 hour. The sauce is leveled and added to the color. Served with fried potatoes.

Mains Margarine Pineapple into pieces Curry ...

Start with the karrysauce. Cut onion and bacon into cubes and simmer them for a few minutes in browned margarine on a pan. Sprinkle curry and simmer for a moment before mixing the flour, together with grated apple and tomato paste. Stir broth and pineapple pie

Mains Pepper Salt Leek ...

The rabbit is divided into suitable pieces and brown in fat. As soon as the rabbit is browned, add vegetables that are planed roughly and grind a cut into rings, as well as water, tomato purée and spices. Steady for low heat for approx. one hour. For this,

Mains Bamboo shoots Rabbit Broth ...

The rabbit meat is cut into cubes. Peppers, pineapples and onions are also cut into suitable dice. Share carrots and bamboo shoots in both. Heat the oil in a pan and put all the vegetables there in. Let them spin until they are white. Mix all the ingredients o

Mains Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Match the rabbit in appropriate pieces. Season with salt and pepper. Brown the pieces of meat in a mixture of butter and oil in a frying pan. Sprinkle flour and leave it brown. Pour the white wine and the broth over, the meat just needs to be covered. Add toma

Mains Pepper Parsley sprigs Salt ...

Rabbit the parties, rinse the pieces of meat in cold water and dry them well in a cloth. Brown the pieces of meat well in a little fat in a frying pan. Add the spices, parsley broth, broth and half a liter of water, let it boil for about 45 minutes for a low f

Mains Pepper Salt White or red wine ...

Divide the rabbit into pieces of pieces. Cut the pork tenderloin into 2 cm pieces. Clean the champigon, peel earthquakes and cut them into small pieces. Brown butter in a saucepan, and brown canines a little at a time, so they get a nice color. Sprinkle with s