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Recipes with Tomato puree

Mains Broccoli into small florets A little olive oil for frying Pepper ...

The fathers are mixed and shaped into free dishes, cooked well on all sides. Sauce: Onions, peppers and tomatoes are sautéed on a fat-free pan, paprika added. Water is added gradually. The broccoli bouquets are added and it all boils 5-6 minutes until the

Mains Bechamel sauce (mornay sauce, use possibly finished purchased) A little oil A little water ...

1 pack of canned cannons boil for 8-10 minutes. 1 onions in tern, 2-3 fried chopped garlic and 250 g chopped beef brune in a little oil. A packet of frozen whole spinach comes in and dries up with low heat. When the spinach is thawed, 1 egg and 35 g grated par

Mains Ginger to taste Pepper Rice with turmeric ...

Cut the turkey breast for approx. 1 x 2 cm. Cut the vegetables for approx. 1 x 2 cm. Season some of the spring onion with garlic and turkey. Add chicken stock, tomato sauce, salt and pepper. The carrots come in and simmer a little. Add chilli, mushroom and gin

Mains Pepper Salt Butter or margarine ...

The onions are cut and spined in butter without taking color. The sauerkraut with sauce is added and still spinning with low heat. In another pot, curry is switched for a moment before the meat is cut into the tern brune. Sprinkle with broth and spices adde

Mains EVS. 1 tbsp. butter/margerine A little tomato ketchup A little wine vinegar ...

The skin is pulled by the hamburger back. If the meat is as good as greasy, lubricate a thin layer of butter / margarine on top. The hamburger rye is laid on an abundantly large piece of foil. Season the spices in a mortar and sprinkle over the meat, which is

Mains Spices to taste salt pepper, if desired. Chili paprika Sausages (low-fat) Tomato puree ...

Bring some water into a pan with a lot of spices stirring, add tomato paste. Bring the chopped peppers and let it simmer for 10-15 minutes. The sausages are cut into slices and golden on a teflon pan. Boil the pasta. Everything is finally mixed.

Mains Salt Tomato puree Onion ...

Boil the potatoes with peel, pellet, cool and cut into slices. While the potatoes boil are arranged loose. It is chopped and sliced ​​in a saucepan. Tomato puree, milk and spices are added. Sausage and potato slices come by. Chives are rinsed, cut over the dis

Soups Broth similar to 1 ½ litre fluid A little oil Spaghetti or macaroni into small pieces ...

Chop 2 onions and cut 5-6 sausages in small pieces. Bring it all lightly into a little oil in a saucepan. Add 2 liters of water plus broth corresponding to 1½ liter of liquid. Sprinkle spaghetti or macaroni into small pieces and pour it into the pan. Cook the