Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Capers

Lunch Lemon Salt Sugar ...

Cut red beans, eggs and onions in small terns. Dip the herring on a piece of paper roll and cut into thin strips. Put the herring in the middle of an elongated dish. Distribute half of the beetroot, onion, egg and capers in each corner of the dish with the

Sides Sour cream 18% Coarse mustard Mayonnaise ...

Fine chop cornichones and capers, and mix with the other ingredients The fresh herbs may be replaced by dried ones tips: Excellent for breaded chicken breast / fillet and raw potatoes

Lunch Dill Egg yolk Glyngøre kippers ...

Procedure: Glyngøre kippers are mixed with the other ingredients. The egg yolk is laid on top and is darned with dildo.

Lunch Lemon Sour cream Dill ...

Rather than the grater, tear the hard boiled eggs on the fine side, grate onions on the rough side, chop dill and capers, and squeeze the lemon. Stir well together and serve it on your favorite bread.

Lunch Cognac Capers Paprika ...

The meat is scrapped (possibly chopped) and mixed with salt, pepper, worchestersauce and cognac. Arrange on the plate and decorate with chopped shallots, capers and horseradish and egg yolk in shell. The second is spent underneath. Can also be included. Sprink

Lunch Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Shake the bread. Form 4 large flat steaks. Rub the meat with oil, season with salt and pepper and turn the steaks on a glow pan for a few minutes Put the bread with the steak and put the accessories well around it in small bunks and egg yolk in a small bowl.

Mains Pepper Salt Egg yolks ...

Shake the bread on one side of the toaster. Divide the meat into 2 and put it on the other side of the bread. Step the side with the meat on the forehead get min and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Remove the steak, add 2 onion rings. Lay the flowers in the

Mains Onion Coarse salt Water ...

Rinse the fillets and dip them dry. Cut them into suitable portion sizes. Bring the water to boil with vinegar, salt, onion rings, bay leaves and whole peppercorns. Bring the fish pieces into the boiled water and let them boil small for 8-10 minutes. Take the