Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Carrot

Appetizers Pepper Salt Carrot ...

The chicken is boiled tenderly with water, onion, carrot, salt and pepper. Cool. Pour all the meat of the chicken and cut it into smaller pieces. Add 1/2 l of the soup to a creamy lot with the cooked onion, carrot, walnuts and french bread. Possibly. Add a lit

Mains Ku1ør Pepper Salt ...

Cut the bacon into small cubes, let them brown in a pan and pick them up. Bring some butter into the pan and chop the chopped onion. It must not be brown. The meat is turned into flour, salt and pepper added, and baked in the pan with the onions. A coupl

Mains Soup Cream Carrot ...

Free the meat for the toes and barriers and put it in a not too large pot of cold water that just covers. Bring it to the boil and foam the soup. Make the vegetables, split them roughly and put them in the pan together with soup, peppercorns and salt. Let the

Soups Squash (zucchini) Fresh lemon peel Fresh kokos'kød ' ...

Juice kumquats, peppers, coconut 'and apricots. Put everything in the blender and blend until it is liquid. If you do not have a juicer, chop all the solid ingredients and put everything in the blender, blend until it is liquid and say the soup. If you w

Mains Peas Carrot Coarse salt ...

Mix the chopped tomatoes, onion, garlic, oregano and salt to a tomato sauce. Melt the butter in a thickened pot at high heat, but do not rub it. Chop the meat for 2 min. Until it crumbles and changes color. Distribute tomato sauce, chopped meat, mornay s

Cold cuts Butter to form Basil Corn starch ...

Clean all the vegetables. Cut the pores well. Tear the rest of the vegetables on the roast iron. Whip eggs, milk, corn starch, salt and spices together and mix the vegetables. Butter a shape of approx. 1½ l well with butter. Bring the vegetable mixture into th

Mains Freshly ground Freshly ground pepper Pepper ...

Tomato Sauce: Chop the loaf, bacon and carrot and lightly cook in a saucepan for approx. 5 minutes. Add the flour gradually while stirring. Crush the basil leaves and add them and the other spices. Boil and simmer the sauce for an hour. Say it and taste with

Salads Avocado Avocado oil or olive oil Courgette/squash ...

Grate the courgettes, the pumpkin dish and the carrot. Chop the red onion, pepper and avocado fine. Mix it all in a bowl. Server rolling in romain leaves, east of portobello mushrooms as mini pizzas, as the side or as main course.