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Recipes with Dried Rosemary

Cold cuts Red kidney beans Dried Rosemary Salt ...

Rinse the beans thoroughly. Bring beans, garlic, rosemary, salt and 1 tablespoon of oil into a saucepan. Warm it all well until the beans start to fall apart. Blend it all with the last oil. Let it cool and eat it on bread or use it as an accessory.

Mains Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt Dried Rosemary ...

Pour the boiling water over the sun-dried tomatoes and let them pull for approx. 2min. Let the tomatoes drip into a sieve. Save 2 tbsp. Of the effluent. Chop the tomatoes well. Stir the chopped meat with salt for approx. 1 min. Come onion, garlic, rosemary

Mains Cress Pepper Salt ...

Potatoes: Boil the potatoes in salted water and then sprinkle them with parsley The meat: Season the meat with rosemary, salt and pepper - then add them to the olive oil (about 5 minutes on each side). Cut possibly. The fat edge from. Cucumber sauce: Cut

Mains Pepper Salt Dådyrryg 3 kg ...

1: The back is cleaned completely free of obstacles and unnecessary tendons. Cut the longest tabs to the bottom of the ribs. 2: The meat is rubbed with half of the crushed juniper berries, salt and pepper. 3: Parsley, mustots, red onion, leeks and celery ar

Bread, buns & biscuits Dried Rosemary Water Salt ...

Stir yeast into lukewarm water. Mix the liquid with rosemary, oil, salt and flour. Pour the dough with your hands until a smooth and slippery ball is achieved. Let the dough raise a covered place until it has doubled its size - approx. 1 hour. Pour the d

Mains Jævning Suit Pepper ...

Cut the pork in thin strips. Let the butter golden in a thickened pot. Divide the meat into 2 servings and brown each serving separately. Put the meat back in the pan. Crush juniper and rosemary and add to the meat. Bring whipped cream, cream fry, salt and pep

Mains Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt (sprinkles after baking) Coarse salt ...

Meatloaf: Stir the chopped meat with salt for meat is cool (about 1 min.). Came the onion, spices and eggs in. Tube milk in little by little. Stir the flour in at the end. Style forcemeat uncovered in the refrigerator for about ½ hour. Potatoes: Wash the po

Mains 38% creme fraise for the sauce Fresh parsley White wine ...

Slice the leeks and onion into pieces. Put the meat in a plastic bag with the vegetables and the pressed garlic cloves. Rosemary, parsley, thyme and put in pber to taste (but beware of timianen). Pour the white wine over, so it covers the meat. Let it sleep f