Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Maizenamel

Mains Freshly ground black pepper Sea salt Boiling or cold water ...

CA. 1 kg kalveryg (talk to your butcher about what is good for blasting/salting is covered with a few dl salt and boiling or cold water-stand approximately 8-16 hours on ice-cooked then approx. 1 hour in nysaltet water possibly with a few Bay leaves. Cut into

Appetizers Fresh coriander leaves chopped (for garnish) Oil for dybstegning (deep frying) Pepper ...

Pipe a father's of shrimp, garlic, ginger, onion, eggs, salt, pepper and maizenamel. Place in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. Cut fluten for about 1/2 cm thick slices and butter a thick layer of shrimp sausage meat on one side. Dip this page carefull

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Cut the chicken meat into large cubes. Whisk the juice from a lemon, soy sauce and vinegar together and pour the marinade over the meat. Let the meat pull in the marinade for at least 30 minutes. Then allow it to drain and save the rest of the marinade for sau

Sides Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Græskarret cut out into small pieces and cooked tender in salted water just covers. 2 dl cream is added and then maizenamel udrørt in cold water. The sauce is cooked up, to achieve a smooth consistency. The gravy taste with spices.

Cakes Eggs Tesukker Salt ...

The dough: Stir the yeast into the cold water. Beat the egg yolks, salt, and sugar in the 15 g fats smulder, in the flour and mix it with gærvæden. Knead the dough well and let it rest 15 minutes. Put the margarine between 2 parchment paper or plastic foil

Mains Oil for deep frying Pepper Salt ...

Dough: Dissolve the yeast in the liquid to the dough. Add the remaining ingredients to the dough and knead it to a smooth dough, which raises a warm place, about 30 minutes Roll out dough thinly on a floured, and cut it into squares. Mix the ingredients

Bread, buns & biscuits Cardamom Eggs Cream ...

Dough: Stir the yeast into the easy lunede milk. Add the egg and beat it out. Add the sugar, cardamom and flour. Keep a bit of the flour back and add it only if the dough is too sticky. Knead the dough well and let it rest in the refrigerator for about 20 minu

Sauces Maizenamel Pepper Salt ...

Pour a little olive oil in a saucepan, chop the onion and fry it in oil, without that it takes color. Chop the peeled tomatoes and garlic, and it came in the box. Add laurbærbla it. Let the mixture simmer a few minutes. Good white wine and chicken stock, and l