Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Mustard powder

Mains Pepper Salt Medium chopped onions ...

Cut the beef into thin strips. Thoroughly brown the meat in a large saucepan. Add the mushrooms and peel and let it take color. Add mustard, salt and pepper, and the chopped flour and water. Stir well and add cream. Leave to stand at low heat for about 20 m

Mains Whole cloves Powder sugar Breadcrumbs ...

Place the ham two days in a brine as above. It should not be too cold. It is then steadied in the oven - quite slowly at 125 degrees, until the barometer shows 76 degrees. It is taken out and the sword is removed. With a meat or a disposable spray, the h

Appetizers Pepper Salt Butter for moulds ...

Season the thinned lobster tails, chopped hard boiled eggs, chopped dill, mustard powder and mustard. Spice with cream and season with salt and pepper. Fill the ragout into four oven-proof portion dishes and sprinkle with fried cheese. Put them in the ov

Mains English sauce Chinese, amongst other things, spice Sesame oil ...

Put the meat in a dish. Mix honninh, soy sauce, tomato sauce, mustard powder, soy sauce, vinegar and English sauce. Pour the mixture over the meat and turn them several times to cover all the meat. Cover the dish and let the meat marinate for 1/2 hour. Put the

Mains Eggs Breadcrumbs Mustard powder ...

The chopped meat is piped with finely chopped ham. The potato moss is stirred and flour, milk and pepper added. The fathers are shaped like a ham in a minivan pan. Brush with egg and sprinkle with rasp and dry mustard. The ham is scratched as a pork stew and b

Salads Apple Oil monini Mustard powder ...

Butter / margarine, flour, beetroot and soup bake together, season with spices and cool. The filling is cut into strips and stirred in. The salad draws 1 / 2-1 hours, spreads and blends with a little oil.

Salads Fat-free dressing Pepper Dried tarragon ...

Boil the broccoli until it feels tender. Cool. Mix the onions in. Stir the marinade together and pour it over broccoli and onion. Served with bread.

Lunch Onions, diced Pepper Salad oil ...

Turn the herring fillets into the rye flour and put them on the forehead and cool them Tomato Sauce: Take a saucepan. Put all the sauce ingredients in and whisk it together under low heat, to a slightly thick sauce. The sauce is poured over the cold herring