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Recipes with Pita bread

Mains Pita bread Lemon juice Garlic ...

Rub the inside of the pan with garlic. Pour wine and lemon juice into the pan and heat it until it bubbles, turn down the heat, add curry paste and gradually the cracked cheese. Stir in the pan and continue stirring until the cheese is melted. Stir a smo

Mains Onion, finely chopped Lemon juice Small canned corn, drained ...

Stir the ingredients of Santa Fe Sauce together. Put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Stir the ingredients for salsa together. Put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Cut the hot chicken shreds into thin strips. Grill the pita bread in a pan on bot

Sides Olive oil Salt Lemon juice thereof ...

ROCEDURE: Bulbs are cooked according to the instructions on the package. Chop tomatoes roughly. Chop the parsley roughly with a knife. Mix both in a bowl together with bulgur. Come the coarse and smoked olives. Chop the garlic very well and add it. Pour

Lunch Mushroom Chili Green or black olives ...

Tomato sauce: Mix tomato paste, olive oil and spice together in a small bowl. pizza: Sprinkle the pita bread so you have four "pizza buns". Chop onions, mushrooms and olives. Grease tomato sauce in addition to the inside of the bread. Distribute

Mains Pepper Salt Iceberg, lettuce ...

Brown the meat on a dry pan, add the spice mixture and a little water and simmer under low heat for approx. 10-15 minutes. The vegetables are cleaned and prepared in each dish. Servers with hot pita bread. tips: Seasoning 1: 4 tsp. Shawam spice, 1 t

Various Asspares in water Kechup Tomato puree ...

Put the 6 pita bread in a frying pan. Chop the 2 lied nicely. Warm a pan and chop up to 4, stir the beef until it is light brown and steal it with the lids, let it cool on a plate while mixing tomato puree and the water from asparagus pour the meat mixture int

Mains Sour cream Garlic Cinnamon ...

Pork in the tern is turned on the forehead until golden. Add the chopped garlic clove and sprinkle cinnamon (amount to taste) half a glass of water add to the forehead. The meat must now simmer until it is passed and the liquid is almost gone. Dressing: Cream

Mains The 7 spices Thousand island Tomatoes ...

The fried meat is cut into thin slices and again cut into thin strips. The vegetables are washed and cut and the pita bread is heated on a toaster or in the oven. The meat is cooked on a very hot pan and seasoned with the 7 spices or other shawama or keb