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Recipes with Pita bread

Lunch (to go) Peanut butter as needed Iceberg lettuce Pepper fruit ...

Heat pita bread in the oven and let it cool again. Grease the inside of the pita bread with a low fat butter cheese. Place the salad in large pieces so that it is on the whole of one inside. Then bring the ham in and then tomato, cucumber and pepper. Just t

Mains Pepper Salt Rose paprika ...

Chopped beef, 1 egg yolk, rasp, 1 tablespoon oregano, salt, pepper and paprika were combined. The loaf is chopped well and mixed in the dough with 1 crushed garlic. With damp hands, 10 equal buns form. 3 tablespoons of oil are heated on a pan and the meatballs

Snacks Garlic spice Oil Pita bread ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Bring pita bread into 6 or 8 pieces. Then peel the pieces and put them on a pan and butter them with oil and season them with garlic spice. Bag them in the oven for approx. 10 minutes until they are golden. tips: Eate

Mains Dressing (by choice) (user even garlic dresseing) Peper Pita bread ...

cut flank steak out in medium-sized cubes. Brown them in a pan together with margerine, kebab seasoning, salt and peper. Squeeze the garlic and put it down together with salt and peper. Stir it well to the meat is completely browned. Then fill the Pan halfway

Lunch Mild cheese Pita bread Frokostløg ...

dry grate tuna on a frying pan, add the finely chopped onions to it last min. Got delicious oil over and flip it together with strips of gulderød. similar to that after the fill into the pitaen with a slice of cheese ... Tips: It is healthy and fast food

Lunch (to go) Oregano Cheese Dried Basil ...

Mix the peeled tomatoes, olive oil and dried Basil and butter together it out at pitabrødene. cut the black olives into slices and the same with the ham and put it on the loaves. Sprinkle corn over and the cheese at the end. Before being put in the oven is spr

Mains Pineapple into small pieces Coctailpølser in small slices Cheese ...

Clip pitabrødet in small triangles to fit down into the small pans. Butter pitabrødet with tomato sauce (Can be bought ready-made, or URf.eks. made from tomato paste mixed with ketchup). Serve the buttered pita bread on a platter. Serve the other ingridienser

Lunch (to go) Paprika Corn Dried oregano ...

set the oven at 200 degrees hot and put pitabrødene on baking sheets with baking paper put the tuna in a strainer and let the water run from pipe tomatpurene along with oregano mash the tuna with a fork and mix it into the tomato mixture and got it on the pita