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Recipes with Apricots

Mains Lemon-oil dressing Dip Iceberg lettuce ...

Soak the rinsed apricots for half an hour and let them drip off. Cut a deep pocket into the pork chop and fill the apricots. Snare the comb together with cotton yarn. Rub the ladder with salt and pepper. Butter the honey on the grease, brush with soy and sprin

Mains Herbs Pepper Salt ...

The pork chops are cut free of heavy and dredged with soaked apricots that are diced with onion. The pork comb is spiced with herbs (oregano, thyme, sage, basil, etc.), salt and pepper. Stir in the oven on a braiser base of leeks, carrots, celeriac and a littl

Mains Thyme sprigs Raspberry or white wine vinegar Apricots ...

The marinated schnitzler roasted in oil 2-3 minutes on each side. On the same pan sautees red onion cut from root to top in both apricots in strips plus apple boats. Add to it all thyme leaves, the juice of two oranges, and add 1-2 tbsp. Vinegar as well as sal

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

French bread is soaked in the milk. Chopped onion and beef in the oil. The bread is crushed and crumbled together with spices and chopped apricots (take 4 for decoration). The mixture is placed in a greased refractory dish. The eggs are poured into the m

Desserts (cold) Lemon balm-Mint Whipped cream Cantaloupmelon (possibly different) ...

Dip the apricots and purify juices and liqueurs in it. Whip the egg with the sugar and add it to the apricot. Whip the cream almost stiff and turn it in with cream fraiche. Pour into pie (24 cm). Cover with plastic foil and freeze down overnight. Taken up ½ ho

Mains A tad marascino or brandy A little sour cream Toothpicks ...

The ham is wrapped in aluminum foil, put in the preheated oven and fry approx. 2 hours at 180 ° C. Inject honey, coffee and spices for 10 minutes. Over low flare to an icing. When the ham has fried for 2 hours, take it out of the oven, open the foil, and fry t

Desserts (cold) Desiccated coconut Oranges Water ...

Oranges and apricots are finely chopped and blended with the other ingredients until the consistency is liquid.

Desserts (warm) Skinny Quark Raw sugar Wholemeal breadcrumbs ...

Pears and peaches are cut in half and stones and core houses are removed. Scrape a little of the food and mix it with chopped apricots, rasp, quark, sugar and half of the butter. The mixture is filled in the fruit halves. Sprinkle with almonds and the rest of