Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Beef

Various Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Put the meat in a bowl. Add the remaining ingredients. Stir the meat around so the ingredients are mixed well together. And then there is the only back to fry meatballs. Velbekommen = D

Soups Basmati rice Chilli Garlic ...

Clean the chicken. Boil it in a pot with so much water that it just covers the chicken. Add a few onions in the soup salt pepper. Let the chicken Cook for about an hour. When the chicken is cooked, take it up and packed into the foil until it is cooled down. N

Lunch Dough for pizza Processed cheese Tomato puree ...

You make your dough (which does not have a special procedure). Then you take your meat and cut it into strips and then FRY it in a skillet. Then turn on the oven at 225 degrees. In the meantime, roll your dough out with a rolling pin. So you take your tomat

Mains Garlic bread Tzatziki ingredients Yougurt ...

You take your meat cuts it into strips and fry it in your frying pan. You take some potato wedges and put them in a saucepan with oil and let them boil/fry. In the meantime you are cutting your tomato and agurt and bell pepper in half-sized pieces. And put it

Appetizers Salt ALM tap water Olive oil ...

Fault vinbladene thoroughly for salt and got them if necessary. in water overnight. mix all ingredients together well. Take a leaf at a time and came in and roll the leaves as cigar forcemeat. Tips: put about a grandfather's at the bottom of the leaf, buk spk

Mains Bacon Beef Soy ...

4 steak is shaped and placed in a heat-proof casserole dish then pour soy sauce on bøffene and serve with the bacon around the steaks, style them uncovered in the micro for 3 min at 900w So take those out and turned over and put on microfilm and then make a

Mains A little hot pepper thyme or oregano to taste Oil for Browning Pepper ...

Whisk ingredients together. Pour into a baking pan large roasting pan lined with baking paper. Bake in the middle of the oven at 200gr in about 20 mins. (to golden brown) the meat Brown. Tomatoes and various spices are added. Simmer, covered, 5-7 min. Cooled a

Mains Garlic Virgin olievenolie Paprika ...

Heat oil in a pan and saute the kryderierne. Then met the onion and sauté until it is in genemsigt. Add beef and Brown. Bacon, tomatoes that have been cut into small pieces, as well as tomatpuren and sugar granted. Simmer 15 min and got so lauarbærbladene i. s