Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Dried thyme

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Clean and scrub and dry the sea urchin and split it into 2 fillets. Sprinkle with salt and pepper inside. Lubricate an ovenproof dish of appropriate size. Chop leeks + carrots + squash + garlic finely. Put the vegetables in a little oil in a pan for approx. 5-

Base recipes Freshly ground white pepper Fine salt Freshly ground black pepper ...

Blend the ingredients in a kitchen machine or a blender. Com herb mixture in a clean, air-tight bottle. Can be stored at room temperature in a year.

Mains White pepper Salt Oregano ...

came his lasagna in boiling water with salt, and cook them for about 15 mins. then the drain in a sieve. over poured with cold water in order to avoid the sticking together. meat sauce: Saute onion and meat in butter add spices, tomato paste and broth, an

Mains 1 tbsp. herbes de provence Beef broth Large finely chopped onion ...

1. Sauté the finely chopped onion in olive oil until it becomes Golden. 2. Add the meat and stir it so it will be completely distributed, and not located in small clumps. FRY it until it is not red anymore. 3. Add the dried spices, finely chopped garlic, tom

Appetizers A little garlic powder Dried thyme Soy sauce ...

Put the peeled shrimp in a bowl. In another bowl mix the other ingredients. Pour this marinade over the shrimp. Make sure all the shrimp will be covered by the marinade. Tire Bowl and set it in the refrigerator overnight (up to 24 hours). For the sauce, mix

Mains Chicken at will Oil for frying (becel) Pepper ...

Brown the chicken in the Pan in oil. Cruiser with salt and pepper, and place them in an ovenproof dish. In the same Pan Brown the bacon, and then sauté the apples and onions. pour Apple, onion and bacon over the chicken. boil the pan with the cream and chees

Soups 18% sour cream Good bread Pepper ...

Peel vegetables and cut them into bite-sized pieces (not too big). Cut the pork tenderloin into small cubes and brown them in a large pan with a little oil. Take half of the tenderloin-first up again-they must be used for ornamental purposes by serving. Put th

Mains Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt Cold water ...

Slice the Turkey meat into thin strips (about 1 x 5 cm). Hot butter-& canola oil in a heavy Saute pan heat, but without the Tan. Add the meat and fry it in the event of heavy heat for approx. 2 min. Came water, bouillon cube, vegetables, thyme and cream by