Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Hvidkåls main

Mains Vinegar Hvidkåls main Onion ...

The bacon is cut into small pieces. The loaf is chopped and the cabbage is cut. The bacon pieces are golden in a frying pan with the chopped onion and the cut white cabbage. Vinegar, sugar and soup are added. The cabbage is boiled tenderly by low heat un

Mains Butter for frying Black pepper Water ...

Cut the hamburger back into small pieces. Peel potatoes and carrots and cut them into small pieces (or whatever seems best for the best). Cut the cabbage. Brown hamburgerryggen in butter, once enough, add water to cover the meat. Add potatoes, carrots an

Sides Pepper Juice of 1 lemon Hvidkåls main ...

Grate carrots and cabbage on the coarse grater. Stir Mayonnaise and Yogurt together and taste with lemon juice, cumin and pepper. Stir the cracked carrots and cabbage in the dressing. Leave the coleslaw to peel before serving. Make the coleslaw the day befo

Mains Pepper Salt Leaf celery ...

Put a saucepan with water and bring it to a boil, the pot should be large enough to cover the cauliflower head with water. While being boiled, the cabbage head is hollowed out by cutting the stick first and cutting to the edge without cutting through the ou

Mains Ground thyme Hvidkåls main Letknuste Juniper ...

The phases are connected to the wafers. Bacon is cut into cubes and swirled in a little butter and in the brune pheasants. The cabbage is cut into coarse strips and carrots in smaller pieces. Both are packed close to the pheasants with the spices sprinkled bet

Salads Freshly ground pepper Hvidkåls main Water ...

Use an old-fashioned cheeseburger to shred the cauliflower head. It gives the best results. Put the cabbage in a dough and pour boiling water over it. Let it drip and put in a bowl of lid. The ingredients for the dressing are mixed separately and poured over

Mains Chili Freshly ground pepper Pepper ...

Pulled Pork: The evening before mixing the rub together, the meat is rubbed with dry rub and placed in a frying pan, excess dry rub is poured into the frying pan. Put the stew with the neck fillet in a refractory dish in the refrigerator until the next morning

Mains Cayenne pepper Olive oil Oregano thyme Basil mixture ...

Season the beef in a little olive oil and season with salt, cayenne pepper, oregano, thyme and basil. Then cook onions and garlic, cut into coarse pieces with the meat. Season the cabbage, which is also cut into a little coarse pieces, hard in olive oil in