Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Lean beef

Mains Freshly ground pepper Snaps Lean beef ...

Cut the meat into long strips, about 1 cm thick. Leave the brownie brownie a pot. Chop the meat and add all ingredients. Leave the dish to cook under low for about 1 hour. Season with salt and pepper

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

The meat is cut into strips of approx. 1 x 1 cm And 8 cm long. The onion cut into slices from head to root. Melt the butter in a pan, Brown meat and onion in it. Add the tomato paste, paprika, salt and pepper. Pour the water on so it covers. Bring the pot t

Mains Handful sugar peas Cooking cream Bacon ...

Cut the vegetables and sweat in 2-3 oz. Cut bacon and add the dish, together with beef and crayfish. Must stand until the beef is browned. Then add the cream and let it stand for about 5 minutes on low flare. Season with salt and pepper (is not necessary in my

Soups Crème fraiche 38% Pepper Parsley, fresh ...

Cut the meat into smaller cubes and swirl add coarse onion and season them for 3 minutes. Add the pepper fruit to the tern, carrots in slices (can be omitted) and the other ingredients (except potatoes and cream cheese) Bring the soup in the boil and foam

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

The meat is cut into cubes of approx. 2 x 2 cm. The Onion cut into coarse cubes. Melt the butter in a pan, Brown meat and onion in it. Add carrots into coarse cubes, tomato paste, paprika, salt and pepper. Pour the water on so it covers. Bring the pot to a

Mains Garlic to taste Lasangeplader (whole grains) Morneysause (lean) ...

the onions peeled and chopped fine, svites in a pan with very little fat. beef accepted in and Brown, then add all the other ingredients. turn on the oven at 200 degrees, while kødsovsen stands and simmer. pour a little morneysause in the bottom of the roast

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

all vegetables cut into large cubes (Court must Cook for a long time, so large cubes necessary to it all not smatter out), chili without seeds chop finely and the tomatoes cut into both. the vegetables are kept separate, as they must in the Pan in a differe

Mains Oil Carrots Blubber fresh ...

Beef cut into 7-8 slices across kødtrådene, knock, seasoned with salt and pepper. Lard and carrot cut in 7-8 also spell as placed on the meat and it rolled, ombindes with yarn or closes with roast needles. Meat and onions Brown. Sprinkled with flour and