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Recipes with Tabasco

Appetizers Tabasco Tomato ketchup Cremefraice ...

Let the tuna drip into a sieve. Whip the cream stiff and turn Mayonnaise and Cream fraice in, taste with tomato chips and tabasco. Melt the house blossom and put it gently in the mass while stirring, divide the tuna apart and finally bring it in. Fill in a bor

Salads Paprika Parsley Apple ...

Apple and pineapple cut into the tern and mix in the dressing. Decorate the bowl with lettuce leaves, a little parsley, tomatoes and lemons cut into both and use as decorations. Sprinkle with some peppers. Aim: Served with toast and butter

Dressing White ground pepper Salt Dill ...

The ingredients are mixed and seasoned with horseradish, salt and pepper. Pull 2-3 hours before serving.

Sides Tabasco Freshly grated ginger Chicken-el. vegetable stock ...

Whip all the ingredients of the dip sauce together and taste it. tips: Fits like dip sauce for lightning or raw vegetables.

Appetizers Lemon or lime juice Red bell pepper Salt ...

For the frozen gazapcho all ingredients except glucose are mixed in a blender and purified. Glucose is melted over low heat and stirred in. The mixture is placed in the freezer for about 4 hours. The salmon is spread over 4 plates and drip with lemon or lim

Appetizers Tarragon Paprika powder Garlic ...

Marinating: Wash the lime in lukewarm water. Peel off the outer part of the skull. Squeeze the juice out. The shell and juice are mixed with the other marinade ingredients. Put the chicken thighs in the marinade. Leave it in the fridge for a couple of hours.

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Chop onions and garlic and mix with the meat. Stir rasp, tabasco and a little salt and pepper. Form it into 4 flat carrots and chop them well together. Grill them 5 min. On a preheated grill and warm the battered burger buns on the grill. Put the burgers toget

Mains Chili (or fresh) English sauce Fresh garlic ...

Everything is mixed together - come in a flame dish with lid or stannol roll over. Put in a 200 degree C. alm. Oven for approx. 30 minutes.