Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Black olives

Salads Pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Divide the salad into leaves and place them as sun rays from the middle of a round dish. Stir the lemon juice in the yogurt and season with salt and pepper. Mix the potato cubes and put it in the middle of the dish. Mix tuna, beans, tomatoes and olives and

Mains Freshly ground pepper Crushed black pepper Salt ...

The yeast is crumbled in the lukewarm milk and stirred with sugar and salt. The bowl is covered with film and placed in a warm place for 10 minutes. In a large bowl bowl, mix mash, flour, parsley, salt and pepper with yeast mixture. The dough is taken on a

Mains Olive oil Salt Water ...

The yeast is crumbled in a dish. Stir warm water and oil together until it is hand warm. Pour the mixture over the yeast and stir it out. Mix the two kinds of flour and salt and knead it in the gourmet solution. Wide the dough to a large pizza or 4 small

Bread, buns & biscuits Fresh Rosemary Salt Milk powder ...

Yeast, water and sugar are stirred until yeast is dissolved. Covered with film and raised for 10 minutes. Until it's scary. The oil is added. 375 g. Flour is sifted together with milk powder and salt. Stir thoroughly - add if necessary. More flour until the do

Mains Olive oil Serving pizza dough Mozarella or other neutral-tasting cheese ...

Filling: Soak the tomatoes in a little warm water. Grate the cheese. Shrug white. Chop the tomatoes. Brush the pizza with olive oil. Sprinkle with fried cheese and chopped tomatoes and garlic. Take the pizza out of the oven after eight to ten minutes and spri

Mains Dough Salt Water ...

Dough: Dissolve yeast in the warm liquid. Add oil, salt and flour slightly at a time and knead the dough well and smoothly. Sprinkle a little flour and allow the dough to increase ¾-1 hour to double size. Then divide the dough into two pieces and roll them

Mains Pepper Artichoke hearts (400 g) Serving pizza dough ...

Make a serving of pizza dough. Set the oven to 225 degrees. Filled: Rinse and chop tomatoes, remove kernels and stalk and cut the meat into cubes. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices. Cut the artichoke hearts in quarters. Cut the ham into strips. Pour

Mains Chopped onion Olive oil Oregano ...

25 g of yeast are dissolved in water. Bring flour, oil and salt in. Eaten for a smooth dough. Raises for an hour. Dough down and roll out into a pan and brush with oil and tomato sauce. Sprinkle with olives, oregano, onions, sardels and grated cheese. Bake at