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Recipes with Broccoli

Mains Horseradish Sauce Coarse salt ...

Chicken thighs: Cut the legs out of the chicken thighs with a small tip knife. Put a parsley in each thigh and close again with a pinch. Leave the butter golden in a pan and brown chicken threads on all sides, approx. 8 min. Altogether and then pick them up.

Mains Pepper Salt Star anise, whole ...

Begin to peel the bulbs, peel the carrot, roseller slice and apple - and cut all 1 x 1 cm terns. Cut the veal in a 2 x 2 cm tern, then butter and oil into a thick pot and warm until golden. Bring the meat in the pot and brown them on all sides - season with

Mains Pepper Salt Oregano ...

Boil the pasta with herb salt according to the instructions on the package. Mix the pasta with crushed garlic, finely chopped broccoli and shredded peppers. Stir ketchup with oregano, thyme and basil. Mix it all in an ovenproof dish and bag it approx. 20 min.

Mains Lemon juice Whipped cream Whole milk ...

Stir lemon juice, virgin oil, pepper and rosemary together and pour over the meat. Leave to stand for 5-6 hours. Chop the almonds nicely, mix them with salt and pepper and turn the turkey breast in. Slice the meat on all sides slightly on a pan. Place the meat

Soups Pepper Salt Spaghetti ...

Broccoli cut into bouquets. The half is cut into smaller fine pieces. The remaining broccoli bouquets are boiled for 10 minutes in low salt water. Keep warm. Bacon cut into the tern. Garlic peel and cut into thin slices. The tomatoes are pressed free of juice

Mains Freshly ground black pepper Fresh chopped Basil Garlic ...

Broccoli cut into smaller bouquets and cook al dente in leachate water and then set aside, keep warm. The sun-dried tomatoes are chopped with the sardel fillets. Whistled pilles and the germ may be removed, cut well. The oil is heated and added tomato, sardel,

Salads Parsley Leek Tuna ...

The boiled potatoes are sliced ​​and poured evenly into a dish. Lightly cooked broccoli in smaller pieces are sprinkled with finely chopped, thin porcelain. Upstairs, tuna is divided into smaller pieces and feta in tern. Finally sprinkle with capers, olives, b

Salads Broccoli Courgette/squash Pumpkin or other squash ...

Beautiful salad for parties and take-away tables. The ingredients are cut well so you can eat more vegetables without chewing the jaws of joints. Use your food processor with the S-blade and run the ingredients through separately until they are finely ground.