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Recipes with Shrimp

Mains Salt Carrot in cubes Onions, diced ...

Sweat the onions on a dry slip-light pan. Stir all the time in it. Add the other ingredients except shrimps. Let it cook under low 20 min. Lay the prawns on top and let it boil for 7-8 min. Mix and server.

Salads Fresh dill Grapefruit Juice from here ...

Bring the prawns to a bowl. Cut the grapefruit into both and remove the barriers. Peel the avocados and remove the stones. Cut them into slices and mix the salad. Freshly squeezed lemon juice is poured over and freshly diced.

Salads Miraclewhip Paprika Pepper ...

Boil the pasta. Cut the iceberg salad into fine strips. Cut the onions in small pieces. Chop the dill and put it in a bowl with the rest of the ingredients. Mix the dressing together in a small bowl and turn it into the salad. Serve with thin flutes.

Salads Lemon both Pepper Lettuce leaves ...

Share the potatoes in suitable pieces. Mix salt, pepper, vinegar, yoghurt and mustard in a bowl, add chopped dill and parsley. Turn the potatoes and half of the shrimp into the dressing. Pour and chop the boiled egg and sprinkle it over, along with the rest

Appetizers Lemon juice Dill Pepper ...

The butterdish plates dry up and roll out to a round plate that is stripped to medals, approx. 15 cm in diameter. Put on a greased plate, lightly brush, brush with egg and baking on the next shelf at 200 ° for 15 minutes. Sprinkle the tuna and egg with a fork,

Appetizers Dill for garnish HP sauce A little lemon juice ...

The salad is finely sliced ​​and parsed with shrimp and tuna. This is poured out with lemon juice. The ingredients for the dressing are mixed together, cooked and poured over the salad. Decorate with a lemon slice and fresh dill dish.

Mains Bean sprouts Scallions, groftskåren Eggs ...

Fish and shrimp are marinated in 5 cl teriyaki sauce for approx. 30 minutes. The marinade is terminated and stored. Fish and shrimps are turned into the battered egg and then cooked in very hot wok. Fish and shrimp are taken up and kept warm. Then the vegetabl

Mains Lemon peel Pepper Parsley-like flat-leaf ...

Boil the rice. Scallops are chopped finely and shaken in oil on a large pan or in a wok. Add thin slices of leek, tern of pepper and curry and shake it for a couple of minutes. Add boiled rice, a sauce of saffron or turmeric and broth. Bowl of peeled cucumb