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Recipes with Macaroons

Desserts (cold) EVS. caramel sauce Whipped cream Sugar ...

The soaked house leaf is melted in the hot, sweetened coffee. The cream is not whipped too stiff. The chilled, hand-warmed coffee is poured in at one time and stirred in the whipped cream. The fromagen is filled in an oil-lubricated form and covered with macro

Desserts (cold) Sugar Macaroons Whipped cream ...

The strawberries are cleaned, cut into slices. Sugar is sprinkled over it. The macros are crushed and come in a dessert glass or a bowl so they cover the bottom. Port wine is poured over. The strawberries are distributed over. Yogurt and sugar are stirr

Desserts (cold) Orange Port wine Whipped cream ...

Cut the scallops into small pieces and put them in a bowl. Wash the apple, tear the skins well and save it for later. Squeeze the juice and pour it over the sauces together with the port wine. Let it take at least an hour. Crush the macrons and put them in the

Desserts (cold) Milk Salt Vanilla ...

Peel the kiwis and cut them into slices. Overhang the macaroons with sherry. Bring egg yolks, sugar, potato flour, milk and vanilla grains to boiling point with strong whipping. Let it cool. Put macros, vanilla cream and kiwi dishes in a ovenproof form. Whip t

Desserts (cold) Vanilla pod Whipped cream Eggs ...

Crush the macaroons roughly, put them in one or more glass bowls and pour the wine on. Fold the flowers and put them on the macros. Whip egg and sugar well together and add maizena. Strike the vanilla. Warm milk and vanilla to boiling point, whip some of the m

Desserts (cold) Egg yolk Wheat flour Sugar ...

The macros are crushed and placed in a bowl and dripped with wine. The apples are laid over. The egg yolk is stirred with sugar, flour and a little of the milk. The rest of the milk is brought in and the egg mixture is added and the cream boils up a little. Pu

Desserts (cold) Orange liqueur Lemon juice Corn flour ...

Whip the eggs together with sugar in a small saucepan and add grated mustard and juice of one orange, corn starch and lemon juice. Whip the cream on low heat or over water bath until it thickens - it should not boil. Quickly pour the cream into a bowl. Turn

Desserts (cold) Jelly Sherry Vanila ...

Eggs and sugar are well-stirred. The milk is boiled and driped in the egg yolks while stirring. The cream is poured back into the pan and heated for a moment, but it should not boil. The house block is soaked in cold water for a few minutes and then melted in